One of the nice things about age is that you reflect on things differently based on your life experiences. You start to realize you're not quite the young teenage Spider-man anymore, but rather the quirky Star-Lord, or even Ant-Man. Such is how I feel discovering 2010's Gamma World, or perhaps rediscovering it. I was already vaguely aware of the game when it was being announced, but I didn't pay much attention to it. For one thing, it was released during that window when 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons released the Dark Sun Campaign Setting (August), the Dark Sun Creature Catalog (end of August - early Sept), then the Essentials products, which included the Dungeon Master's Kit and the Monster Vault. I had gotten into Dungeons and Dragons the spring of 2010, which meant I was playing catch up on a number of volumes (my 4e book collection is still incomplete, but it's mostly the Power Source books, so I'm not that worried). Gamma World was strange. From what ...
Thoughts on Games and Game Design