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Prologue: Whispers in the Dark/Realms of the Masterminds Part II of II

"After all, the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Albus Dumbledore

Stranded in the chambers below the Goblin Fortress of Feuerbrennt, Syn'Dral had grudgingly agreed to follow Ragnarok's lead, and the druid wasted no opportunity by leading them through the next doorway.
Before them lay a great hall, and the two goblin guards they had run away from after they escaped their cells.  One goblin began shouting in goblin "get them!" while drawing a long wicked looking knife.  Dawgsin charged to the back of the room when four goblins suddenly appeared from among the storage crates, all of them waiting to stab the young halfling.

Dawgsin gets ready to attack, while his shadow dances menacingly around him.
Ragnarok commanded Llenherd to help Dawgsin.  As the giant teddy bear hamster ran, the floor beneath him gave way, opening into a giant chasm.  Luckiliy, Llenherd was quick enough to jump back in time, staring at the darkness that almost swallowed him up.

Krent ran past Dawgsin, taking out the two goblin guards the group had already encountered previously.  Ragnarok, in wolf form, was soon to join him.  The two stood back to back, and made short work of the guards.

Syn'Dral smirked at the entryway, seeing that he wasn't really needed at this point.  Just as he was about to relax, the doors next to him flew open, and more goblin reinforcements arrived, probably having heard the commotion.  The drow drew his rapier and his dagger, smirking at the thought of combat as he began swinging his sword and firing off spells.

In short time, the goblins were vanquished.  Ragnarok turned back into his normal form, telling the group they should head into the next room.  They all agreed.

Ragnarok takes the lead.
The next room was a bigger surprise than they had anticipated.  Large pits pockmarked the floor, and hungry drakes snapped at the heroes as they entered.  Across the room, a portcullis lay shut.

"Looks like we'll have to fight our way across," Krent thought out loud.  And so, they were out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Ragnarok took quick action, leaping across the first pit to attack the nearest drake.

As Krent and Dawgsin went to attack the creatures, they were suddenly pulled through small portals by long, grasping fingers.  A pair of boggles also nested in the room, looking to attack any that intruded.

The drakes continued to attack with a crazed hunger, not stopping until all those in the room fell.  Eventually, they singled out Krent and Syndral, who fell to their snapping jaws.  Dawgsin and Ragnarok were unable to get to them in time as they succumbed to their wounds.  A dark feeling of despair hung in the air as Dawgsin dispatched the last drake.  They had won, but at the cost of two lives.  Ragnarok was barely holding on, while Dawgsin still felt he had a few more fights left in him.  It seemed as though Feuerbrennt had won.


Author's Note: This battle was extremely difficult, but it made for a great play, and some great storytelling.  After talking with my brother, we decided that we would split this into two campaigns.  I would DM his party, and he would DM mine.  Though death may seem like the end for Krent and Syn'Dral, they will return.  You'll have to wait and see.  I will be continuing Whispers in the Dark, while the story that will continue for Ragnarok and Dawgsin (along with two other newcomers!) will be entitled "Realms of the Masterminds".


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