"You Should Be Afraid of the Water..." - Evil Tide tagline NOTE: SPOILERS abound for those who are looking to be a part of my Christmas D&D game. You have been warned. I also apologize for the lack of my own pictures as I prep. I've run out of "free" storage space, and am working to delete old pictures/free up new storage, but Picasa is being difficult/not letting me access my online folders. Grr.... Christmas is soon here, and Christmas breaks are about a month away (Christmas is exactly 1 month away today actually), and that free time is usually meant for celebrations between friends and family. This year, I'm planning on running a DnDNext playtest, bringing in some new friends that have never played a game of Dungeons and Dragons before. In a previous post about a month ago, I wrote about how my D&D games have started to turn away from campaigns. People are too busy and inconsistent to want to get involved consistently...
Thoughts on Games and Game Design